Health & Wellness

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28

Our mission is to provide support and encouragement for the health, well-being, and wholeness of our congregation. Recognizing the integral relationship between body, mind, and spirit, we strive to provide resources that can nurture each person in our community.

Our Mission

Our Team

Our Health & Wellness Team is a led by our Pastor, a group of retired nurses and our UPC Deacons. We focus on ensuring that the congregation is nurtured with loving and compassionate care.

Our Health & Wellness Team supports our church in so many ways, including::

  • Staying up to date on COVID-19 protocols and advising the Session and Pastor about best practices.

  • Hosting blood pressure checks on the first Sunday of every month to assist our UPC family to track their blood pressure history.

  • Offering education events, articles and other material on a regular basis

  • Providing a medical equipment closet for members that are in need of medical equipment for a short period of time including wheelchairs, walkers, shower seats, commodes, etc.

  • Maintaining first aid kits, hand sanitizer, masks, and AED equipment throughout the church.

  • Supporting the preschool staff with medical needs that arise.