Missional Engagement
We grow and nurture followers of Christ in a welcoming community as we partner with our neighbors through faithful action, and by loving others as Jesus first loved us.
Why “missional”?
Missional is an intentional life-orientation that focuses on action. We take up work that makes God’s love and justice visible. As we focus on our calling to serve our neighbors and partner with community members, we understand ourselves to be joining God’s work already in progress.
Why “engagement”?
This word describes the “how” of our call. Helping members of faith community connect to faithful action central to everything we do. We make every effort to ensure that people of every age, stage, and ability can contribute in some way to our work together and continually ask ourselves: “How can we involve (engage) everyone in projects, programs, and missions to make the best use of their skillsets, their time, and their resources?”
Get Involved!
Because hunger is a problem for many families in Peoria, we have a partnered with Northmoor Elementary and the Elise Ford Allen Academy to provide healthy food for children who go hungry every weekend.
Teachers identify the students in need and with parental permission, send a Snack Pack home every Friday. We currently provide nearly 160 Snack Packs every week. We assemble the packs on the 2nd and 4th Sundays immediately following worship with everyone in the congregation taking part.
We share the love and compassion of Christ through our Share the Warmth project which provides fleece blankets for those in need of warmth. Coordinated by Anna Circle, we partnered with The Dream Center, Family House, Peoria Rescue Mission, and the United Way. We have also offered these expressions of love to individuals in our congregation who have been in need.
We rely on donations of fleece, fabric store coupons, and monetary donations to resource this project. We gather on the 2nd Saturday at 9:30AM to cut, tie, and sew. All are welcome to join us!
In partnership with Southside Community Center, we offer Family Christmas Shop. UPC friends gather gifts requested by the families and prepare the gathering space for families to enjoy a holiday celebration.
Once families arrive, they can participate in a variety of holiday-themed activities, have a family portrait taken by a professional photographer, and enjoy refreshments. We provide activities for kids while parents and caregivers go to our Wrapping Center where they are assisted by “elves” in preparing their gifts.
This is a wonderful way for us to share God’s love! We always need volunteers and donations to make this happen. The list of gifts will be placed on a Christmas Tree in the Lobby in November, but financial contributions are accepted all year.
We are committed to sharing God’s love in as many ways as we can. Twice a year we host Faith in Action Sunday starting with worship in the sanctuary and then moving out to serve with projects on our campus and out in the community.
Our community partners are are uniquely positioned to meet specific needs so we take the lead from them, assigning folks to projects based on their skillsets and abilities. Our partners include: Look Its My Book, Peoria Porch Pantry, Phoenix Community Development Services, and Southside Community Center.
Sometimes the need is nearby, but at other times, we offer support for work that is far away from us. Projeto Amar supports a school in Brazil, providing support for both teachers and students. We are grateful for the work of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and have lent our support with volunteers and financial contributions.
We are grateful to be able to extend our mission through the work of our denominational parent, the Presbyterian Church (USA). There are four regular church-wide opportunities each year called “Special Offerings” which support specific causes. The focuses of the offerings correspond with the season of the liturgical year or special days of the church calendar. All the ministries supported by these offerings represent priorities which are in alignment with our vision to grow and nurture followers of Christ.
Expanding Our Reach
One Great Hour of Sharing
Since 1949 One Great Hour of Sharing has helped people in need around the world. The offering supports Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Self-Development of People and the Presbyterian Hunger Program. All three work in different ways to provide help from initial disaster response to ongoing community development.
Pentecost Offering
A gift to the Pentecost Offering helps the church encourage, develop, and support young people, paying special attention to the needs of at-risk children and youth. This offering is shared with 40% helping us make an impact in the lives of young people within our own community. The remaining 60% is used to support ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency.
Peace & Global Witness
Our Peace and Global Witness Offering helps us connect with the larger church’s efforts to be a global witness of Christ’s peace. Supporting ministries of peace and reconciliation and the work of advocating for peace and justice in the midst of violence, this offering is shared, with 25% remaining with our congregation, 25% for our presbytery and synod, and 50% for the Presbyterian Mission Agency.
Christmas Joy Offering
The Christmas Joy Offering has been a Presbyterian tradition for more than 70 years. In honor of God’s gift of Jesus, this offering provides assistance to current and retired church workers in their time of need and develops future leaders at Presbyterian-related schools, and colleges equipping communities of color.